Kubernetes is one of the most important tools for managing the deployments of thousands of services in modern DevOps. With kubernetes, we can easily manage our application, and we can more effectively manage our computing resources (CPU, memory, storage). In this article, we will introduce the fundamental concepts pod, service, deployment and ingress.
ReadJest 是一款測試執行套件,是 Javascript 領域裡面最有名的測試執行套件,由 Facebook 維護。寫過 Javascript 的人多少使用過它,但卻有可能遇到記憶體不足的問題。本篇便是解釋如何解決記憶體不足的問題。
ReadDependency Inversion 是一種程式設計技巧,有助於改變程式之間相互依賴的關係,寫出更容易被重複使用、更能擴充的程式,降低維護成本。是邁向資深工程師必學的概念。如果你聽過 SOLID 原則,Dependency Inversion 就是裡面的 "D"。